
Have you ever experienced facial pain and pressure, difficulty breathing or ear pressure and pain? If so, you might be one of the approximately 37 million people in the United States that suffer from sinusitis. Healthy sinuses are lined with a thin layer of mucus that traps germs or particles in the air. A sinus infection stops the flow of healthy mucus, causing the nasal tissues to swell and trap the mucus in the sinuses. For more information about sinusitis, click here.

Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Leak is a serious medical condition caused by a tear or hole in the membranes surrounding the brain. This can cause cerebrospinal clear fluid to escape. Since the cerebrospinal fluid cushions the brain and spinal cord, leakage can cause the brain to sag into the skull. This causes painful headaches and a clear, watery drainage that may leak through the ear or nose. For more information on Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak, click here.

Nasal Obstruction

It’s hard to enjoy life when good sleep is impossible and vigorous exercise is out of the question. Any obstruction in the nasal airway can dramatically impact these activities, along with any number of day-to-day tasks. Nasal obstructions are caused by anything that restricts airflow in and out of the nose, typically due to swelling of nasal tissue or blockage. Most obstructions are caused by allergies, sinus infections, medications or colds. For more information on nasal obstruction, click here.

Ear Infection

Ear infections occur when bacteria and viruses afflict parts of the ear. There are several causes for infections, the most common of which are allergies, colds, sinus infections, excess mucus, overgrown adenoids, and tobacco use. Ear infections can occur in multiple parts of the ear. They most commonly happen inside the middle ear, specifically when the Eustachian tube becomes clogged. This tiny tube is located inside the middle ear and drains to the throat. If the tube becomes clogged by mucous, then bacteria will enter the ear and cause an infection. For more information on ear infections, click here.

Deviated Septum

When you hear the term “deviate,” do you imagine a crooked road? The same can describe a deviated nasal septum. Your nasal septum divides the right and left the side of your nose inside your nasal cavity. At its base is a central supporting skeleton, a firm yet bendable structure protected on all sides by mucous membrane. The front of the septum is made of cartilage and blood vessels. The ideal nasal septum would be exactly midline, providing an equal path through both nostrils to intake air properly. For more information on deviated septums, click here.

Salivary Gland Disease

Your salivary glands are an incredible set of tools for the human body. Without these tiny helpers, your body would not produce the saliva which helps soften food. Salivary glands also participate in the digestion process, prevent tooth decay and keep your mouth free from germs. Oftentimes, we do not realize how important salivary glands are until they begin to experience health issues. For more information on salivary gland disease, click here.

Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Sleeping should be a calming, positive experience. But if you are one of the 22 million people in the United States with sleep apnea, it can feel like the opposite. Sleep apnea is caused by a blockage of the airways, which may lead to discomfort in the sinuses and airways. For example, the tongue may collapse on the soft palate during sleep, which in turn collapses on the back of the throat. This closes the entire airway, which leads to brief episodes (around 10 seconds) of breathing interruptions throughout the sleep cycle. This can occur multiple times during the evening. For more information about sleep apnea, click here.

Hearing Loss

If you suffer from an impairment of one of your five senses, your quality of life may be drastically altered. In the case of gradual or sudden hearing loss, you may not be able to understand speech or hear noises below a certain octave. This may impair your ability to interact with others or even drive a car. It can be a scary experience, but you do not need to suffer. Dr. Shuaib is clinically certified to provide medical treatment to return or treat your hearing abilities. For more information on hearing loss, click here.


If you are constantly waking up yourself or your partner due to snoring, then you are not alone. Over 90 million Americans suffer from snoring, and it only gets worse with age. While snoring may not indicate a serious medical condition, it can lead to routine tiredness and sleepiness during the day. But what causes snoring? When you sleep, the muscles of your throat relax, and your throat becomes narrow. The narrow walls of your throat begin to vibrate with each breath. The narrower your throat, the louder the vibrations. For more information about snoring, click here.

Cancers of the Head and Neck

Cancer starts when cells rapidly grow out of control. Cancers specific to the head and neck can start in the sinuses, inside or behind the nose, in the mouth, tongue or gums, and in the back of the mouth or throat. There are several tumors that can appear in the head and neck. For more information on head and neck cancers, click here.

Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are fleshy swellings or cysts that commonly appear in the lining of the nasal cavities. Some hereditary conditions are also associated with nasal polyps, most common cystic fibrosis. It is typically found in patients with allergies, chronic sinusitis, asthma, and aspirin intolerance. Nasal polyps are watery in appearance, non-cancerous and vary in size. In fact, some patients may not show any symptoms if the polyps are small. For more information on nasal polyps, click here.

Thyroid Nodules

A thyroid nodule is a growth on your thyroid gland of varying size, sometimes big, sometimes undetectable to the human eye. You may discover just one nodule or several, though neither is necessarily cause for panic. Most times, thyroid nodules are not harmful, will not cause symptoms and do not require treatment. Furthermore, about 85% of thyroid nodules are non-cancerous. For more information on thyroid nodules, click here.

Nasal Fracture

Typically, a nasal fracture is the result of blunt force trauma. It is any crack, fissure or complete break in the bone along the bridge of the nose or cartilage inside the nasal septum. Approximately half of all fractures in the face are broken noses. If you do not seek immediate assistance to readjust the bones within two weeks, the nose may not heal properly. A broken nose may also lead to more serious issues, such as a septal hematoma, a blood clot inside the nose. This clot could lead to severe infection if not flushed. For more information on nasal fractures, click here.

Runny Nose

Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from runny nose each year. Often described as rhinorrhea in the medical world, a runny nose is an excess of nasal drainage. This fluid can range from thin and clear to thick mucus that drains out of your nose or down the back of your throat. There are several causes of runny nose, such as allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, environmental changes, tobacco smoke, and strong fragrances. These triggers cause the lining of the nose to become irritated, which produces mucus that comes out of the nose. For more information on a runny nose, click here.

Cochlear Implants

A cochlear implant is a small yet intricate electronic mechanism for those with difficulty hearing. While hearing aids only amplify sounds, cochlear implants replace damaged parts of the inner ear known as the cochlea. Cochlear implants direct sound signals to the brain by stimulating the auditory via electrodes. Those with severe hearing loss who do not respond well to hearing devices will have better results from this procedure. For more information on cochlear implants, click here.

Throat Infections

Throat infections are common among both adults and children. They start as itching in the throat and may eventually affect swallowing, speaking and even breathing. Typically, these infections are caused by viruses and bacteria, but they can also be caused by allergies and sinus infections. For more information on throat infections, click here.